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About relational databases and JooDB

11 years 6 months ago #2328 by Dirk
The Pro-Version is able to display relational linked tables (content) within the main table.
The relational feature is realized very simple by subtemplates.
You just must tell JooDB how the tables are linked. Normally by the table id's.

TABLE_MOVIES.id_directors is the same value than the related TABLE_DIRECTORS.id. If you now have a list of directors and you want to show all movies by a director you just create a subtemplate MOVIES, set TABLE_MOVIES.id_directors related to TABLE_DIRECTORS an customize the output. If you now insert a {subtemplate MOVIES} into your main template JooDB will display a list of movies from that director.

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For more info about relative databases:

The relational Support is not complete and for simple purposes only!
  • You can not edit subtable data directly at the backend yet.
  • You can not search in subtables

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