subtemplatesJooDatabase-FREE is and will remain free and unlimited. Some Ideas for the next versions.

  • Edit-Button to edit table data directely at the site.
  • Multiple single- and catalog-templates.
  • Special field User-ID field which assigns a dataset to a user.

Available for Joomla 3.x and 4.x.

Multiple JooDB Databases yes
Backend editing of table-data yes
Customizable templates yes
Image upload, thumbnailing and automatic resize yes
Output styling via CSS yes
Searchable and sortable catalog view yes
Users can submit new data with a form template yes
External databases (Joonla 1.6+) yes
Site search via search-plugin yes
Multiple tables and sub-forms using relational connections like (1:1, 1:n and n:m) yes
Import for Excel spreadsheets yes
Category select search options for parametric search yes
Ticket system and developer support yes
Online update service using the Joomla update mechanism (Joomla 1.6+) 0 x yes
Module "latest database entries" yes
Content-plugin "insert entry X" yes
Custom {joodb} commands via plugin system yes