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Catalog view filtered on page URL

5 years 11 months ago #4837 by pellinim@me.com
Catalog view filtered on page URL was created by pellinim@me.com
It's me again, sorry for possibly posting a stupid question, but I'm not really an expert yet.

I've a page in my website that show the calendar+results for a volleyball team.

I set filters and they work perfectly (of course):

Attachment Schermata2018-08-06alle10.42.47.png not found

What I'd like to make now is (from other pages) be able to go this page with filters applied in the target page URL, in order to have the filtered result directly

I mean, can I use an url like
or something like that?

Again, may apologizes if I'm asking something so clear to you.

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5 years 11 months ago - 5 years 11 months ago #4838 by Dirk
Replied by Dirk on topic Catalog view filtered on page URL
Your request is understandable.
If you want to add requests to other URLs you should do this by plugin.

The main filter variables for the joodb catalog are search , searchfield and gs[] (array groupselect values), fs[] (array fieldselect values)

If you want to add a search request to a custom URL you do as described.
Create a file called addsearch.php in /components/com_joodb/plugins
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$url = $part->parameter[0];
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$output .= JRoute::_($url."&search=".$input->getString('search')."&searchfield=".$input->getString('searchfield'));

Call it like this in the catalog template.
<a href="{joodb addsearch|index.php?option=com_joodb&view=catalog&Itemid=208}">Other catalag</a>

For a public website you should escape the input
Last edit: 5 years 11 months ago by Dirk.

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5 years 11 months ago #4861 by pellinim@me.com
Replied by pellinim@me.com on topic Catalog view filtered on page URL
Hello Dirk,
thanks for your reply and my apologizes for this late answering (I was a few days off with limited internet access).

I'm sorry I was not clear in my question, however I can confirm what I was looking for ... is actually available thanks to the READON command.
My fault for not having carefully read the full documentation. Excuse me again.

I'm really impressed about JOODB; I was able to make some very interesting improvements to my site.
Thanks for that!

I'm evaluating now to buy the PRO version (mainly for the Excel import and the prev/next option), but before proceeding with the purchase order I've a doubt: as far as I understood the license is for one domain only; that's ok in my case by the way I'm wondering if I can use the PRO version in my offline development environment based on XAMMP on MAC.

Thanks a lot and best regards

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5 years 11 months ago #4862 by Dirk
Replied by Dirk on topic Catalog view filtered on page URL
Dont't worry!
Use you development server and enter the final domainname as domain to validate the license.

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