* This Documentation was realized with the joodb component. Please click on the items to open a detailed description. The documentation is still under construction.

select view
CommandOrder by:  Command


{joodb form|FIELDNAME|[parameters]} »pro only«

Generates a formfield to the form-view. The formelement-types are dependent on the datafield-type. 

  • Varchar is displayed as a input-element. Possible parameters are "password" and "email". (For example {joodb form|usermail|email})
  • Text is displayed as a editor field. Possible parameter is "textarea" to display as textbox field instead.
  • Tinyint or boolean SQL Fields. Possible parameter is "yesno" to display the field as YES/NO boolean field. (value 0 and 1)
  • ENUM and SET SQL fields are displayed as a select-element. Possible parameter is radio or check to display the field
    as a radio-element (enum) or checkbox (set) atomatically
  • ENUM and SET SQL fields with less than 5 elements are displayed as a radio-element (enum) or checkbox (set) atomatically

Form validation is done automatically. If the value of a field can not be »Null« it is required.


{joodb form|topic}
{joodb form|mail|email}
{joodb form|message}

{joodb captcha}

{joodb submitbutton}


  •  If a datafield can no NULL the form-element is marked as required.

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