* This Documentation was realized with the joodb component. Please click on the items to open a detailed description. The documentation is still under construction.

select view
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{joodb editbutton|[cond]} »pro only«
editbutton (new with 2.7 pro) displays an icon or link to load the current entry into the form- or edit-view. The old automatic Notepad icon was removed.


  • COND (optional) - condition: if true the entry is loaded into the edit view instead of the form view.


{joodb editbutton|true}


  • editbutton with condition true will be displayed only to special users if the are logged in. Edit in frontend must be enabled for the current JooDB database.
  • editbutton without condition or condition false true will be displayed only to registered users with acces to the form if
    1. A userfield ID is defined where the joomla user ID is stored.
    2. The current user ID matches with the id of this dataset.
    3. If no userfield ID is defined and the user has the level for formview or above
  • Due security reasons only registered users can edit items
  • See path2editform command


{joodb path2editform} »pro only«
Get the URL to the edit view of the current entry. Usefull to implement a custom edit button or link to the edit-view from the catalog.


{joodb loop}
{joodb field|title}
{joodb loop}


Related commands are path2item and editbutton
You must enable fronend edit access in the database settings. Otherwise you will get an error.

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