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Groupselect does not autoupdate catalogview

  • jrg.san.martin.gmail
8 years 1 month ago #3835 by jrg.san.martin.gmail
Groupselect does not autoupdate catalogview was created by jrg.san.martin.gmail
Hi all, I am using JooDatabase 3.0.3 for a new site with Joomla 3.5. I've defined a catalogview for a simple database and a I want to filter the results using a parametric search. My problem is that the results are not being updated when I select the filter.

this is my template:
<h3>Búsqueda por campo</h3>
{joodb searchbox}
      <td><label>Diócesis</label> {joodb groupselect|diocesis||true}</td>
      <td><label>Acompañante</label> {joodb groupselect|acompanante||true}</td>
      <td><label>Consiliario</label> {joodb groupselect|consiliario||true}</td>
      <td><label>Parroquia</label> {joodb groupselect|parroquia||true}</td>
{joodb alphabox}
<div style="float:right;">{joodb limitbox}</div>
<p>{joodb pagecount}</p>
<!-- Title with Sortlinks -->
        	<th colspan='5'><span style="float:right">Ordenar por:  {joodb sortlink|diocesis|Diócesis} {joodb sortlink|nombre|Nombre}</span>
          <th>Nombre y Apellidos</th>
<!-- LOOP Start -->
{joodb loop}
    <td><a href="/{joodb path2editform}" title="Edit entry"> {joodb field|nombre} {joodb field|apellidos}</a> {joodb editbutton|true}</td>
    <td>{joodb field|telefono>}</td>
    <td>{joodb field|email}</td>
    <td>{joodb field|diocesis}</td>
    <td>{joodb field|couta}</td>
  {joodb loop}
<!-- LOOP End -->

<h3>{joodb nodata}</h3>
<!-- LOOP Pagination -->
<p>{joodb pagecount}</p>
<div class="pagination">{joodb pagenav}</div>

Am I missing any setting? Can anybody help me? Thanks!

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